Speaking of which, I discovered a new website called Apathy is Boring. (What a name!)
It encourages Canadian youth to participate politically. (Because so many of them don't! The 18-24 demographic consistently has the lowest turnout rates at the polls.) I haven't had time to explore the site's contents yet, just the main 'about' and skimming - but I love the fact that this is a resource! I want to let all my friends know, perhaps I will even be able to organise some event in my area.
And oh, do I love surfing. Apathy eventually lead me to Do something.org. Oh how I do love attractive, creative resources, especially for youth. Of course, Do something is American, so if you're Canadian like me, or other, a lot doesn't apply (you can search for volunteer opportunities). That being said, seeing things that are being done, or ideas people come up with, or even browsing the different causes can polarize you and stir you to motion. Some of it is pretty inspiring!
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